How we do it

By working closely with Albertans, our partners, and allies, we are beginning to see a downward trend in injury deaths, from 49.5 per 100,000 population in 1998 to 45.2 deaths per 100,000 population in 2013. A similar trend is evident with injury hospital admissions, from 1,919.8 per 100,000 population in 1998 to 1,583.2 per 100,000 in 2013.

Downward Injury Trend Graph

These results are only possible due to the collective impact of multiple initiatives and accomplishments across the province. Injury is a complex issue to which there is no single solution and no single organization in a position to address the many different interdependent factors and sectors.

All of our programs are developed based on current, evidence-based research, in consult with the communities or populations we are trying to reach. Through initiatives such as Finding Balance and Brain Waves, we continue to raise awareness and promote behaviour change to prevent injuries as an important component of life-long health and wellness.

Injury prevention works. From the smoke detectors in your home to the steel toe-caps in your workboots, prevention programs and policies have time and again proven to be effective lifesavers in every facet of society when carefully studied, developed, and implemented.

Working with us

Our unique position as a research centre at the University of Alberta, and our strong connections with communities, partners and allies provides us with opportunities to influence the uptake of injury prevention knowledge and behaviours. This position also allows us to be the injury prevention voice for Alberta.