Turning knowledge into action.

Bumps and bruises are a part of life. IPC focusses on the prevention of severe, life-changing injuries as an important component of life-long health and wellness. Our research helps us understand who is being seriously injured, how, and why. With this understanding, we support communities and decision-makers to take action.

"Every addition to true knowledge is an addition to human power.”

Horace Mann

1. We develop evidence-based programs and campaigns built on our current knowledge and principles from various health promotion theories and models.
Learn about our Programs and Campaigns.

2. We operate and lead the Injury Prevention Network which brings together injury prevention professionals, academics, community leaders, and Albertans interested in preventing injuries online using the SafetyNET platform. The objective is to facilitate discussion, share knowledge and inform injury-related policy.
Join the Injury Prevention Network.

3. We inform Albertans of current public health concerns by offering our research-based position, thus empowering Albertans to engage policy makers and leaders.
Read our Position Statements.

4. We respond to requests from government officials, industry leaders, communities, individuals and media to provide evidence- and research-based information on public health concerns.
Request a Consultation.

5. We engage influencers and media in dialogue via open letters that highlight current public health concerns and emerging issues discovered in our research. These letters are a foundation on which the public can build dialogue with their local council, MLAs, and MPs.
Read our Open Letters.